On February 2, 2025 I joined an artist collective here in Porto. When I joined, I discovered that the next exhibit was scheduled to open on March 1 and that the registration deadline had already passed, but just by a couple of days. By the time I emailed and was informed I could still participate I had just over 2 weeks to create something completely new for the exhibit. I promptly set my tree quilt aside and got to work on a new design.
The theme “Tricolor” meant we could use only 3 colors and they needed to be pure saturate colors, with no tinting. We could use pure black or pure white but they would need to be counted within the 3 colors. I almost never use pure color, and since I work in a realistic manner, I tend to use a lot of shading. Clearly my usual style would not work for this art challenge. I pondered a couple of ideas, but time was of the essence. I thought about a project I had started at Asilomar a number of years ago in a class taught by Jane Sassaman. In the class we were creating abstractions from nature. I had developed a design of roses, which I had thought I cleverly invented in the class, imagine my disappointment when I discovered Mackintosh came up with the design before me! I also created some with vines with stylized leaves. I thought this challenge would be a good opportunity to play with those themes again, and maybe even finish my piece this time, fingers crossed! I wanted to do a more natural shape for my roses than the Mackintosh version, so I made a few adjustments there. I liked the leaf shape but made the veins a little more stylized and less natural, and created a half rose between the bud and full open version. I worked the design out in construction paper, before cutting into my precious fabric stash. Here is a portion of the design.
I knew I wanted a black background. I kept the roses and leaves on their own black backing pieces even though I knew their backing wouldn’t show up on the background, I did like that the black “outline” would add separation where the elements overlapped each other and the vines. I have to say it took a very long time to cut out all those fiddly little pieces.
Once the elements were sewn to the background and I had quilted around them, I had about 3 days left to finish the piece. I didn’t know how I wanted to quilt the background yet. I had left a lot of negative space to the right of the primary elements and I needed to do something in that area that would support the theme of the design and also help flatten areas around the primary elements. Since I didn’t have a lot of time left I settled on a trellis design for the background quilting. I did testing on how to fill the space between the trellis slats, to help pop out the trellis itself. A major milestone itself, as I frequently dive in and discover I’ve shot myself in the foot half way through because I didn’t test ahead of time. I discovered that doing all the fill work using free motion quilting was going to take more time than I had available before the deadline. I was telling my husband that I would have to skip the fill, since I didn’t have enough time to do it, when he suggested I check and see if there was a built in stitch on my machine that might allow me to do the fill faster. I have a Janome Continental M8 with a ton of built in stitches, but I NEVER use them so I gathered up my manual and took a look. I identified 7 stitches I thought could maybe work and tested some out. In the end I did find one that filled the area and looked similar to my free motion stitch sample but took only 1/2 the time per square. It was important that I could reasonably replicate the look and volume since the machine stitch would only work on the full squares, it was not going to work where I had to fill in around the vines, leaves or roses. It took a very long time, even with the machine stitch since there was so much to fill to do using free motion around the elements, but I feel it was well worth it since it provided such great texture. The photo here shows the texture well, in reality the background is more black and the texture is less obvious, but that also helps hide the less than perfect fill stitching, lol!
I am happy to say that I did complete my art quilt in time. I call them “textile paintings” or “fabric paintings” when I exhibit them in art shows that aren’t quilt shows.
I used one of my favorite fabric saving tricks to create the stems for this quilt. Rather than cut the stems out of the fabric in curved shapes, I cut the stems on the bias and bent them into shape. If the stems don’t have thorns, I can create diagonal lines right next to each other and have no waste at all. For these thorny stems I had to space them out to accommodate the thorns, but it still took a lot less fabric than it would have if I used the curved cut paper shapes as patterns.
Below is my finished piece “Without Thorns, No Roses” 20” x 24” I’d love to know what you think of it.